Using resources in your drawing

Use the Resource Manager to apply resources to your drawing. If the resource is not in the active file, import or reference the file, and then apply it.

In addition to the Resource Manager, there are many places in the Vectorworks program where you can select resources from a dialog box, palette, or the Tool bar; see Resource Selector.

To use a resource:

From the Resource Manager, use the file browser pane to select the file that contains the resource.

The resource viewer pane displays the resources available in the selected file. From the palette tool bar, select a type of resource to filter the display, or select the option to display all resources.

Do one of the following:

Double-click the resource to activate it. Some resources can also be applied to a selected object by double-clicking.

Drag the resource onto an object or to a location in the active file.

Right-click on the desired resource, and select the highlighted item from the context menu. (For example, for a hatch, select Apply; for a worksheet, select Worksheet on Drawing.) Not all resources have this option.

To import the resource for future use, right-click on the desired resource, and select Import from the context menu.

To reference the resource, right-click on the desired resource, and select Reference from the context menu. If the source file is not currently referenced by this file, specify the new reference information. See Referencing resources.

If you are importing the resource from another file, you are prompted to specify the location to store the imported resource. See Importing resources.

The resource is added to the active file.

Resource Manager: File browser pane

Resource Manager: Resource viewer pane

Searching for a resource


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